Rotary International District 5000 Letter for September 2020 from District Governor Naomi Masuno.
And the beat goes on, because Rotarians have the heartbeat for service, as you can see from the list of projects at the end of this newsletter. Good news, the District’s $25,000 Rotary Disaster Grant was approved and we have funds going out to help with COVID-projects in our communities that were identified by our clubs across the State.
More good news! Did you hear the awesome news that Nigeria and the African region were declared polio-free, after 3 years of no cases? Woohoo! This is a milestone in Rotary’s decade long effort to eradicate polio. We are getting closer to getting rid of polio from Planet Earth, but we still need your donations to PolioPlus to vaccine 400 million children each year to get to zero. Save the date for World Polio Day on October 24th and join in fun activities and speakers from 10-11:30 am on Zoom. Buy a district shirt and $5 will go to PolioPlus via our D5000.
Have you been Zooming?! You can easily join other club meetings on Zoom to hear awesome speakers and attend virtual activities. Want to up your Rotary I.Q.? We have Zoom sessions on a variety of subjects like Rotary Basics, Social Media, Foundation and more. Benson, the District Trainer, started a “Welcome to Rotary” coffee hour on the first Saturday of each month to talk story about Rotary for non-member and others interested in hearing about what Rotary is all about. Join us and invite others to share in upping our Rotary I.Q! Go to the rotaryd5000.org for list of webinars on the bottom of the home page and click on the calendar listing for the Zoom code.
A new webinar series by our District Vocational Service team is being planned. The first will be a Rotary Doing Business Marketplace. On Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm, Rotarians will have 2 or 3 minutes to talk about their business. Stay tuned for more information from Co-Chairs Bob Peterson and Robert Jackson!
I hope you and your families are well, but if you need any help, please let me know. Please stay safe and well. Thank you for all you do for Rotary!
District Governor Naomi Masuno