Rotary International District 5000 Letter for October 2020 from District Governor Naomi Masuno.
Aloha District 5000 Rotarians!
Are we there yet? This long and winding road has opened doors to opportunities to support our fellow Rotarian and community businesses. You have found opportunities to serve those who need help. You have found opportunities to make a difference across the world, as you can see by the list at the end of this newsletter of global projects funded by Global grants.
Mark your calendars for World Polio Day on October 24th. The PolioPlus from 10:00-11:30am with inspiring speakers, entertainment and we'll be honoring the hospitals for their care of the precious lives. There is light at the end of that long road to eradicate polio, but we need you. Please consider making the PolioPlus Society pledge to donate $100 each year until we get to zero. We vaccinate our keiki, but in third world countries, they don't have the resources or know that is important and this is why we need to provide the funds to vaccinate their young. Think of this like an insurance payment to make sure we can vaccinate 400 million children each year and we never see polio cases in Hawaii. Checkout forming a team on Rotary's new fundraising Tool by going to: https://raise.rotary.org/District-5000/challenge . Let's End Polio Now!
We have a District Online Auction from October 16th-26th. Many clubs were not able to have their fundraisers, so Mary Begier has organized one for you to find treasurers and buy Christmas presents. The bidding form for each item is on the district website, if you would like to help your club raise funds or if you want to donate items for PolioPlus. When the link is up, please forward the link to your friends and family, especially those on the mainland that might like Hawaii items. Check the Fundraiser and Online Meeting list on the District website under the Our Clubs tab for more on fundraisers.
As I meet with the clubs to hear what they are doing and planning, it is so amazing how you bring meaning to the words "Service Above Self". I want to shout out to the world that District 5000 rocks!
Thank you for your service to your communities and to your fellow Rotarians. Stay safe.
District Governor Naomi Masuno