A wonderful evening of collaboration and support for our local community at the Keauhou Shelter on Friday, October 28, 2022. With volunteers from the Rotary Clubs of Hickam Pearl Harbor and Ala Moana, along with a partnership with the Princehall Masonic Lodge - New Hope Lodge 3, we were able to serve dinner to the residents at Keauhou Shelter, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
A wonderful evening, approximately 75 meals were given out to residents. After everyone was gloved and sanitized, an assembly line quickly got all the carryout container filled with two slices of pizza and two snacks. A separate small carryout were filled to the brim with salad and veggies.
An opening blessings was given by Bro William Reynolds of HPH and the Lodge, residents were then welcomed to enter the dinning area and get a meal
12 separate meals were then set aside for residents not at this location.
The team worked efficiently. After residents were invited for seconds, the areas was cleaned and sanitized.