I wanted to thank you for your club's continued support of The Rotary Foundation (TRF). In July you contributed over $30,000.00 to the Annual Fund. I know that you devoted lots of time to develop your District Grants and the funding to support them...all of which was made possible by contributions to The Rotary Foundation three years ago. This year, we had the largest return on our investment in the form of District Designated Funds with over $112,000.00 in no-match and matched funds. I think that is most excellent for our district and reflects the value our members see in contributing to our Foundation.
Three years ago our per capita giving to the annual fund exceeded $265.00 per member and I have extended the challenge to District Foundation Chair PDG Laura Steelquist to reach $300.00 per member.
I don't know about you but It will be exciting to share in the returns to our district if we reach that $300/person milestone. Think of the service we can do in our own community and what would be available for global grants as well. Once again...$30K is a great start...make your donation now...
Thank you,
Win Schoneman
Rotary International
Hawaii District Governor