The 2019-20 International Service Narrative by Board of Director, Allen Kamemoto.
- Global Grant project with Honolulu Sunset (GG1988399) aims to develop and supply drinking water at Chuder village in Nepal that will directly serve about 500 people (120 households) in addition to a school. This indigenous ethnic community was hit very badly and also impacted its water resources. They have to hike log ways to get drinking water. Due to this situation, the people in the hillside are forced to migrate down to the foothill.
- Our club collected relief goods and monetary donation to help the victims of the Taal Volcano eruption in the Philippines. Our President visited Taal and collaborated with the Rotary Club of Taal Lemery to facilitate distribution of masks, blankets, clothing, food and water. The monies collected were used to purchase wheelchairs for the handicap and elderly folks.