With over 40 volunteers from Rotary clubs around the island, the US Navy, Air Force, and Army, along with community leaders, teachers, and children, HPH and volunteers were able to spend a day at Kalihi Elementary School completing tasks around the campus that may never have been done but was on the to-do list to improve the school's better use of space. Principal, Will Grindell was impressed with the manpower that came from partnering with such a young rotary club.
Some of the tasks that were completed includes the clearing of the old gymnasium that was being used as a storage unit, re-purposing of old school chalkboards, bulletin boards, and shelves, and redesigning of the library. The old gymnasium is now relabeled as the Ram's Club, a new makerspace that will be created for children, teachers, and parents to come together and work on studies, puzzles, and new or old technologies.
Teachers and students will return to Kalihi Elementary this fall to a new room and Principal Grindell is looking forward to seeing the excitement in their eyes.
HPH would like to thank the men, women, and children that came out to help Kalihi Elementary School and support their first service project as District 5000's newest rotary club.
#serviceaboveself #rotarians #district5000 #rotaryhickampearlharbor