Rotary Club of Hickam Pearl Harbor had the first Club Assembly of 2017. Special guests included DG Nalani Flynn, Assistant DG Doreen Higa, and very special guest from Kalihi Elementary, Principal William Grindell.
A club assembly is a meeting that all members attend to discuss club programs and activities. Most clubs hold four to six assemblies per year and allows members to brainstorm ideas for projects and activities, along with set goals and develop action plans.
On 20 July 2017, the Rotary Club of Hickam Pearl Harbor had its first Club Assembly of the year. Special guests included DG Nalani Flynn, Asst DG Doreen Higa, and very special guest, Principal William Grindell from Kalihi Elementary School. In order to keep members engaged and informed, HPH will dedicate the third meeting of the month to club business.
Upcoming Key Dates:
27 Jul 17 - Look out for an email and updates on the upcoming Health and Wellness event
16 Aug 17 - Kalihi Elementary School Ram's Club Grand Opening. Sign up for the event through the events calendar.
17 Aug 17 - District Governor's official visit
31 Aug 17 - RC HPH reading program at Kalihi Elementary School kicks off from 2:30PM-4:00PM. Sign up on the event through the events calendar. The club will have the reading program every 4th Thursday (outside of holidays and special school events).
Committee Chairs discussed club business with members and included:
Nik Treziok - Treasurer's Update
Vernon Wheeler - Community Service Update and events planned thus far for RY2017 (see events on ClubRunner events calendar)
Ben Mathieu - International Service Update
Mylene Reyes - Community Service Update
Carole Reynolds - Youth Update (for Lisa Jensen)
Emilie Smith - Foundation Update
Leslie Curtis - Health and Wellness Update
Joshua Laguana - Membership Update (for Christopher Stingone)
A special presentation of the club website ( by President-elect, Joshua Laguana, demonstrated the powerful resource available to all active and prospect members. If you need access or assistance with logging in, please contact Secretary, Kelly Wheeler using the Contact Us link on the home page.