The BEST and EASIEST way to give to HRYF is at Foodland during the “Give Aloha” campaign, September 1-30, 2018. Your gift will be matched so that a $20 donation becomes approximately $24, a $40 gift would increase to around $48. The match comes from Foodland and Western Union (up to at least $250,000). Based on past years, the matches have provided at least an additional 20%!
To make a donation, go to any Foodland, Sack N Save or Foodland Farms with your Maika`i Card or number, designate the donation to the Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation (Org. Code - 77199) and request a duplicate receipt. Give your copy to your HRYF Representative to mail in so we can credit you and your club. Please write in your name and club. You can also scan the receipt and email it to: hryf@hawaii.rr.com. Your donations can count for the Per Capita giving award to be announced in the Spring.
Suggested giving to HRYF is $40 per Rotarian. This level of giving will allow HRYF to continue with the $5,000 scholarship per club funding. Currently, HRYF receives about $225,000 from our Foundation investments each year but we need at least $260,000 to fund all of our clubs and the number of clubs keeps growing!
Thank you for your support!
Kristine Westmoreland
HRYF President