Rotary’s Action Plan is the bridge between what we are today and what we want and need to be. It is our plan for fulfilling our vision of a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change. Our members, as people of action, are the key to achieving any of the plan’s four priorities. So adding members allows us to achieve more. RI President Shekhar Mehta is deeply committed to growing and sustaining Rotary membership.
As one of his presidential initiatives, Mehta is asking clubs and districts to:
Get a commitment from each active Rotaractor or Rotarian to sponsor one new member by 30 June 2022. The Each One, Bring One initiative will help us stay relevant, attract new members, and engage and retain current members and participants.
Use public events to remind the public that Rotary and Rotaract clubs serve others and create positive change. Members can bring guests to events like Rotary Days of Service or this year’s presidential conferences, where they’ll experience the life-changing impact of Rotary.
Form an effective membership committee to focus on growth, engagement, and making Rotary accessible to more people. The committee should have processes for finding prospective members, introducing them to current members, inviting them to join, and then offering a clear and useful orientation, fun activities, and Rotary opportunities beyond the club.
Diversify Rotary by supporting Rotary’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. By connecting with prospective members and participants from all backgrounds and inviting them to experience Rotary, we’ll gather an abundance of perspectives, skills, and solutions.
Recognize those who attract new and diverse members and engage and retain those who join. Visit the Membership Society for New Member Sponsors and celebrate your fellow members who have committed to expanding our reach.