Dear Fellow Rotarians,
A rough, old, half-a-block of dirt and stubble along Seaside Avenue and Royal Hawaiian Avenue in the center of Waikiki, is about to become a beautiful, safe, monitored, iconic park, chronicling Rotary’s Centennial of service and the history of Waikiki.
The Rotary Club of Honolulu has spearheaded the design, approvals and initial fundraising that to date, has reached $325,000. We desperately need contributions from your club and members along with their friends and businesses, to match $90,000 recently raised by supporters of the Centennial Park, to break ground and go forward.
Beautiful island stones throughout the park will acknowledge contributors, note accomplishments of each club in D5000, and highlight historic moments in Waikiki.
You can be acknowledged for sponsoring one of 12 stones featuring historic Waikiki Moments and Rotary Club achievements throughout the century…$10,000 each. A donation of $5,000 will place your name on one of the nine, regal lampposts along the walkway in the park.
There will be 20 beautiful pedestal chairs throughout the park…$2,500 to sponsor one.
There are 10 remaining opportunities to have your name etched on the Founders’ Pohaku …$1,000 each. (Kirk and I are Founders…YEY)
Thank you for contributing to the legacy of Rotary in Hawaii, and to the beauty of where we live! Imagine the impact left on the thousands of Rotarians from around the world, who visit our Centennial Park, during the International Convention in 2020!
Please make your checks out to: Rotary District 5000 Foundation, with a note “Park”, and send to RCOH c/o 705 Queen Street, Honolulu, Hawaii, 96813. MAHALO PLENTY!
Hawaii Rotary District 5000