Guest speaker, Heather Patterson from Happier Talent Development, provides strategies to bring happiness to the workplace.
People spend the large majority of waking hours in the workplace. On Thursday, July 13th, 2017, Rotary Club Hickam Pearl Harbor welcomed guest speaker Heather Patterson, where she provided the how's and why's of the importance of happiness in the workplace.

Based on literature and studies, happiness in the workplace is achieved through relationships and results. Ms. Patterson suggested five actions to take to increase happiness at work. They include:
1. High 10 Hello - greet people in the morning, connect
2. Ditch the to-do list, use a success list
3. Celebration success - both small and large
4. Solve problems together
5. Perform random acts of kindness
and Bonus: High 10 Good Bye - with co-workers, employees, and customers
Next meeting is July 20th, 2017 @ 1800. RC HPH will be having a club business meeting. Join us as we learn more about the club's relationship with Kalihi Elementary School!